
At Blackwell Global University, we are proud to have a faculty roster made up of professors and instructors from around the world. With their extensive backgrounds and experiences, they bring a wealth of knowledge to the classroom and to our students.

At Blackwell Global University, we are proud to have a faculty roster made up of professors and instructors from around the world. With their extensive backgrounds and experiences, they bring a wealth of knowledge to the classroom and to our students.

Here's a look at some of our faculty members:

Pinkas Flint

Doctor in Administration and Finance from ESADE, Spain. Doctor in Law from PUCP, Peru, and expert in International Negotiations by the International Chamber of Commerce of the UN. Master of Laws (LL.M.), Summa Cum Laude, from Harvard Law School, USA. Master in Administration from ESAN, Peru. MBA from Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada. Holds diplomas in Senior Management from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, and in Strategic Persuasion from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA.

Rober Aphang

Master in Engineering and Technology Management from the University of Tulsa, USA. Bachelor's in Industrial Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Extensive experience in Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning, Digital Marketing, and Supply Chain Management. President of Aldeas Infantiles SOS, Peru. Has over 10 years of experience as a professor at renowned universities.

Patricio Bastian

PhD. in Business Administration and Master of Science in Business Administration from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. PhD. in Business Administration from the Universidad Santander, Mexico. MBA Master in Business Administration from the Bolivarian University of Chile. Bachelor in Commercial Engineering from the University of Tarapacá, Chile. Specialist in Management from the University of the Andes, Colombia, and from the United Nations University, Japan. 

Alfredo Zamudio 

Doctor in Business Administration, Summa Cum Laude, from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. Master in Finance from the American Academy of Financial Management, USA. Master in Banking and Finance and Bachelor in Administration from the University of Lima, Peru. Holds various specializations, including Business Development at Peking University, China, and Business & Negotiation at Harvard University. Currently a professor at renowned universities in Latin America, Spain, and the United States. 

Jorge Bernal

Doctor in Finance and Business Research and Master in Democracy and Governance from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. MBA from the University of Alcalá, Spain. Master in Applied Economics from UNED, Spain. Master in International Trade from the University of the Basque Country, Spain. Master in Distance Education and Bachelor in Business Administration from the University of Tarapacá, Chile. With over 25 years of experience as a teacher and researcher in administration and management. 

Sergio Postigo

Doctor in Business Administration from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. Master in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management from Linnéuniversitetet, Sweden. Master's in Business Administration - MBA from IAE Business School, Argentina. Bachelor in Business Administration from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Professor of International Marketing at Indiana Tech, USA. 

Roberto Darrigrandi

Doctor in Business Administration from Collegium Humanum, Poland. MBA with a concentration in Finance and Strategy from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, USA. Master in Business Law from the University of the Andes, Chile. Master in Applied Economics and Bachelor in Business Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. Currently a finance professor at Indiana Tech, New England College, PUCP, Andrés Bello University, and Pacifico Business School. 

Natale Papa

Doctor in Business Administration from École Supérieure de Commerce de Rennes, France. MBA from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. MBA specialized in Financial Services Marketing from Université de Tours, France. Economist graduated from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Currently Director of Relations, Head of Consultancies, and Manager of Corporate Programs in leading companies in Brazil. Recognized professor at renowned universities in France and Brazil. 

Armando Tauro

Doctor in Operations Management Research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Doctor in Business Administration from the University of Valle, Colombia. Master in Operations Management Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy. With over 25 years of experience in industries from various countries, holding positions as Operations Director and General Manager. Currently serving as CEO & President of Golden Ratio Consulting Group INC.

Luis Ore 

Former Undersecretary of Dialogue Management at the Secretariat of Social Management and Dialogue of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru. Master in Communications from Western Kentucky University, USA. Master in Conflict Management from Lipscomb University, USA. Lawyer from the University of Lima, Peru. Participated in the Negotiation Program at Harvard Law School. Has over 10 years of teaching and research experience. 

Renzo Ferro

Master in Business Administration from SDA Bocconi School of Management, Italy. Bachelor's in Business Administration from the University of Lima, Peru. Holds a specialization in Hispanic Marketing from Florida State University, USA. With over 25 years of experience in the marketing industry, working with major corporations and brands. Currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Miami, USA.

Franklin Orellana

Doctor in Business and Project Management from Northcentral University, USA. Holds Master degrees in Business Administration and in Information Security from American InterContinental University, USA. Computer Systems Engineer from Universidad Espíritu Santo, Ecuador. With over 20 years of experience in managing multimillion-dollar projects, coordinating teams of 100 people, and conducting budget allocation and analysis.

Rocío Romaní

Doctor in Strategic Business Administration at CENTRUM PUCP, Peru. Specialization in Hospital Management and Management at Georgetown University, USA and INCAE Business School. Black Belt Six Sigma PUCP; American Society for Quality, USA. SCRUM Master. Master in Senior Management with specialization in Marketing, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain. Graduated with a Master Degree in Health Services Administration, UNFV, Peru. Specialization in Pharmacoeconomics, Universidad del Rosario, Argentina and Business Management, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia.

Elsa Lindo

Master in Science with a specialization in Investment Projects and Bachelor in Statistics Engineering from the National University of Engineering, Peru. Specialized in University Teaching, Designing Courses for Significant Learning, and New Techniques and Modern Methods for Teaching at ESAN University, Universidad Pacífico, and USIL. Currently a professor, with over 32 years of experience at renowned Peruvian universities such as the National University of Engineering and the National University Mayor de San Marcos, and more. 

Reynaldo Moquillaza

Doctor in Finance from San Ignacio de Loyola University, Peru. Executive MBA from Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada. Master in Corporate Compliance from Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain. Tax advisor for the Regional Tax Advice Diploma of the Faculty of Law at Austral University, Argentina. Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors of the United States. Accountant and Judicial Expert. Lecturer at ESAN, Cayetano Heredia University, and San Ignacio de Loyola University.

Rodrigo Gallegos

MBA with a specialization in Corporate Finance from the Technological Institute of Monterrey, Mexico. Industrial Civil Engineer from the University of Chile. Diploma in International Taxation from Harvard University, USA. Diploma in European and US Taxation from IBFD, Netherlands. Specialization in Customer Relationship for Profits from Northwestern University, USA. He is a fiscal and financial director with extensive experience in cross-border and national taxation. 

Adrian Huaman

Master in Management Sciences and Organizational People from the School of Business Administration at ESAN University, Peru. Internationalization of Human Resources from Ramon Llull University, Spain. Bachelor in Administrative Sciences from the University of Lima, Peru. Certified in Creative Problem Solving from the Bolivarian University of Colombia. Currently a professor for Master programs at UNI, Peru, and at CPEL of the University San Ignacio de Loyola, among others. 

Sandy Vera

Master in Business Administration from Neumann Business School, Peru. Master in Executive Coaching from INESEM Business School, Spain. Commercial Engineer from the University of Tarapacá, Chile. Specialized in Innovation Management from the University of California - Berkeley, USA. Expert in Coaching, Practitioner in Ericksonian Hypnosis, and Practitioner in Coaching - NLP - Time Line Therapy. 

Sara Geller

Master in Organizational Psychology from San Martín de Porres University, Peru. Facial Microexpressions Analyst from the Paul Ekman Institute, USA. Bachelor in Psychology from the "UNIFE" University of the Sacred Heart, Peru. With extensive work experience in human resources, she has held positions such as Head of Selection. Currently, she teaches courses at the most renowned universities in Peru, such as Universidad del Pacífico, Universidad ESAN, Universidad de Lima, and UPC. 

Paul Villacorta

Doctor in Projects from the American University of Europe, Mexico. MBA from the Technological University of Peru and holds a Master in Education from Technological University of America, USA. Graduate of the Master in Project Management from the National University Federico Villarreal, Peru. Administrative Engineer from the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University, Peru. Currently serving as the Projects Director at the Institute of Project Management and as a Postgraduate Professor at UNMSM, Peru. 

Stephnie Stern

Doctor in Organizational Psychology from Walden University, USA. Master in Human Resources Management from Nova Southeastern University, USA. Bachelor in Human Resources Management from the University of Technology, Jamaica. Her career includes leadership positions in renowned companies in the United States and the Caribbean as an HR Manager, developing transferable skills in staffing, performance management, and legal compliance for the organization.

Carolina Cornejo

Doctor in Economics and Business from the European University, Spain. Master in Finance and Commercial Engineer with a specialization in Economics from the Andrés Bello University, Chile. Currently pursuing a Doctorate in Law and Administration at the University of Lleida, Spain. Specialized educator in areas related to economics and finance for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, serving as a thesis advisor for programs in engineering, business, and education. 

Carlos Gabriel Balcázar

Doctor in Strategic Business Administration from Utel University, Mexico. Master in Strategic Marketing Management from the University of León, Spain. Master in Corporate Communication Management from the University of Barcelona, Spain. Business Administrator graduated from the National University of Quilmes, Argentina. Specializations in Creativity, Innovation, and Change from the University of Pennsylvania, United States. Currently the General Manager of CANVAS Consultora. 

Nicolas Barrientos 

Doctor in Business Administration from Cass European Institute of Management Studies in France. Doctor in Business Administration from the Central University of Nicaragua. Master in Strategic Business Management from the European University Miguel de Cervantes, Spain. Master in Education, Master in Research, and Master in Government and Public Management from the University of Chile. Author of 4 books and more than 70 indexed articles in high-impact journals.

Horacio Chacón 

Master in Business Administration. Licensed Electronic Engineer, specialized in Systems. Bachelor in Psychology. SUNEDU-certified accreditor in the Quality Models of SINEACE. Experience in Management and Administration Direction in international corporations such as Burroughs (now Unisys), Olivetti ATMs (Diebold), Kodak, and in national companies such as HIPER S.A., HGM Support and Solutions, Constructora Técnicas Metálicas, and Grupo EDUCAD (Scientific University of the South). Specialized consulting in university accreditation. 

Daniel Alor

Ph.D. in Economics, Doctoral studies in Global Economic Management, European MBA in Business Internationalization and International Finance, and Master's in Business Administration and Finance. Specializations in Project Management (UNI Peru), Capital Markets (UCEMA Argentina), Behavioral Economics (TECH), and Portfolio Management (Universidad del Pacífico Peru). Consumer psychologist and market researcher. Consultant for the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Education. Proficient in statistical and econometric analysis with mastery in quantitative methods.

Fernando Pérez Román

Master's double degree in Administration from Flandes Business School in Chile and International Business from the University of Lleida in Spain. Diploma in Facilitator Leadership and High Performance Generator from CENTRUM PUCP Business School. Professional in Business Marketing from the Peruvian Institute of Marketing. Extensive work experience in the commercial area in roles such as Sales Manager and Commercial Manager. Currently responsible for Project Management at Estrateus Consultores SAC.

From research to teaching to community service, our faculty are committed to providing an exceptional educational experience in a supportive and collaborative environment. Join our academic community and learn from the best at Blackwell Global University.

From research to teaching to community service, our faculty are committed to providing an exceptional educational experience in a supportive and collaborative environment. Join our academic community and learn from the best at Blackwell Global University.

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